a messenger in california. he stopped to see if mark needed a tube. mark took a picture of this awesome chainguard. the pant leg(s) rolled up...strictly style points. i want to try this someday, just to see how loud it is? have the united colors of bicycle parts caught onto this yet? when they do, you will see me rocking a turquoise one, but not until then.
this piece of art just makes me smile. another inexpensive way to make something amazing. things that scream simple always appeal to me....except girls, unfortunately. i'll leave that one right there.
greenery in bucktown! my friend used to live on the second floor. only three years ago the vines were only on the east side of the building. look at this chia-rrificness. who wouldn't want to live here.....hey yeah, its 3 blocks up on your right hand side. look for the three story bush.
mother's polish. yeah i like bar end shifters too. odd thing is, i don't really like gears. but this picture is about mother's polish, and indeed, there is no shine like mother's. with a terrycloth towel, you can make your bits look better than new. the personal satisfaction that comes from seeing your own skewed reflection in any sort of alloy is unmatched. i need to ween mark off of it, he is obsessed!
this garment is top shelf in my wardrobe. this came all the way from bangkok. thank you noel. graphic t-shirts aren't really my thing, but if you put a silk-screened image of a super hot hipster girl in tubes socks on it with the first cursive font known to man, well, what can i say? the pista, eh...i prefer to pretend all bianchi's are lugged.
fixed gear beer!! pbr laying second fiddle in the background. i have to thank danielle for introducing it to me. of course this is pure milwaukee genius. i stumbled upon several of these half empty in a trail trying to find the milwaukee messenger invitational. a long night of karoake the night prior had me struggling to make it to breakaway before the race took off. if you like gumballhead by three floyds (and i love it), you will enjoy this 22oz-er from lakefront. its good as ale.
and last but definitely not least, the guerrilla approach to cycling advocacy. how brilliant is this? these are all over the place in wicker park. this sort of thing, from the idea to execution to actualization, is pure chicago genius. if there's anything i hate more than driving in chicago, it's parking in chicago. what a pain it is to walk half a block in the wrong direction when its freezing out just to wait 45 seconds for the flipping receipt to print out. oh and thanks guys for taking away all the spots to lock up our bicylces because theft isn't already a problem...
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