the town of riverwest is not a secret. its an amazing neighborhood, proof that diverse communities thrive. its co-dependence + -operation are what we riverwesterners are so proud of. we are also very proud of our summer classic, the community bicycle race, known as the Riverwest 24.
that day came and past this weekend, and once again, i feel so energized and connected. i love riding my bicycle, and what better than doing it all night long, with all your neighbors. its both competitive and cooperative, and the unison of forces is a really what our community is all about.
if you type in RW24 2012, you will soon find many more photographs. here are the images from the lens of my smartphone:

race begins - checkpoint #1, lap #1
the first bonus checkpoint with our district's alderman, nic kovac (left), learning how to breakdance. each bonus checkpoint is worth 2 laps, or 9.2 miles of riding, engaging riders to participate in various activities.
that day came and past this weekend, and once again, i feel so energized and connected. i love riding my bicycle, and what better than doing it all night long, with all your neighbors. its both competitive and cooperative, and the unison of forces is a really what our community is all about.
if you type in RW24 2012, you will soon find many more photographs. here are the images from the lens of my smartphone:
the 7pm kickoff
beautifully finished frame with images collaged with modge podge and then clearcoated

race begins - checkpoint #1, lap #1
the first bonus checkpoint with our district's alderman, nic kovac (left), learning how to breakdance. each bonus checkpoint is worth 2 laps, or 9.2 miles of riding, engaging riders to participate in various activities.
my first lap heading west into the low western sun
my team and roommate mark's cannondale in the foreground, and my trek 1000 in the background
notice the truing stand on the end of the deck above the helmet of the rider on the left
this is checkpoint #2, where there are a lot of funny bikes.
here's the view of where i woke up from my afternoon siesta... this band playing and a couple of girls dancing.
the finale....what a race. we finished pretty strong with a total of 89 laps (by comparison the winningest team finished with 122 laps)
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